Your One-Stop Shop

It can be very hard to navigate the many problems facing launching your own web presence. Purchasing a domain name, setting up DNS, hosting and SSL certificates. And then you have to worry about uploading your website and managing your content in complex interfaces. Finally you get it all done and you find your website is down for software updates.

Nomad Web offers everything under one roof and can help you navigate this very technical world with ease.

The Internet never sleeps

Customers expect your website to be available 24 / 7. So when your website is down for maintenance, you've lost customers. 99% uptime is no longer enough, thats why our standard plans starting at $15 are always hosted on two servers in seperate locations. We aim for 99.95% uptime and that's what our SLA with you states.

Power of cloud hosting

All of our servers are on Amazon Web Services, providing high availability, scalability and reliability. When your business takes off, you can be sure that we can support you throughout the journey.